Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 12, 2017

Nhửng dấu hiệu cảnh báo bệnh tật

Mổi khi chúng ta chớm mắc bệnh thì cơ thể chúng ta thường đưa ra những dấu hiệu cảnh báo trên da, mắt , mồm...hoặc qua mồ hôi, nước tiểu, phân. Nếu biết được những dấu hiệu này, chúng ta có thể sớm phát hiện ra bệnh mà tìm cách chữa trị kịp thời.
Dưới  đây là một số những video giới thiệu các dấu hiệu cảnh báo của những bệnh tật khác nhau

7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health
13 Warning Signs Your Body's Out of Balance

10 Signals from Your Body You Need to Take Seriously
8 signs your body is crying for help
5 Signs That Your Body Is Crying Out For Help!


8 Serious Diseases Signaled by Our skin

Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don't Ignore These 8 Factors

What Your Poop Says About You

The Color of Your Urine Is a Health Indicator

13 Health Problems Your Nails Warn You About

8 Things your Eyes say about your health

13 Health Problems Your Tongue Warn You About

Body warns one month before a heart attack-Warning signs you must know

Warning Signs Of High Blood Pressure That You Shouldn’t Ignore

One month before stroke your body will send you these warning signs don't ignore them

If your kidney is in danger - the body will give you these 8 signs , Do not ignore it and share

7 Major kidney failure symptoms will show in your Body | Signs of kidney problem

Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure : 10 Early Signs and Symptoms That You May Have Kidney Disease

These 6 warning signs show that your Liver is full of toxins | Life well lived

12 Ways Your Body Tries To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

5 Common Signs of High Cholesterol

10 early signs of diabetes everyone should know

All the Signs That You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

8 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Most People Ignore

Early Signs that Cancer is Growing in Your Body

14 early warning signs that cancer is growing in your body

5 Common Signs of Prostate Cancer

Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

5 Warning Signs of Colon Cancer Most People Ignore

7 Early Signs of lung cancer you need to pay attention

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Dementia